A beautiful plate full of picture perfect foods marred by a viscous, green-tinged fluid flowing over everything. An attempt at a classy holiday foiled again. That tasty little devil... well at least I didn't go full-on classy; I wore my gay hoodie (no really, I bought it from the FCKH8 campaign), roll-up sweat pants and knee-high sailor socks. It's really the only way to eat to maximum capacity short of eating in the nude. I'm very classy in that I wore clothes at all. People should appreciate that I have the good graces to put pants on before stepping out the door.
I've got Thanksgiving working like a well-oiled machine. I always eat sparingly throughout the day so that I have an appetite for the main feast. Once the big meal happens, I go nuts. I am in my own world as I eat, and this world has mashed potato clouds and turkey beds. The showers dispense gravy onto my gloriously distended, naked body. Aw yeah, we've all been to that world, and if you haven't, then you need to eat something else, none of that holistic vegan shit. After I finish eating I always feel awful. I've stuffed myself silly, and now I feel remorseful of my actions. "Did I really need that second helping? Why am I eating a third helping? What even is this???" By the end of the meal, I am usually so engorged with food that even my mind becomes compromised. I find myself thinking about how to execute the simplest gestures, like taking the spoon out of my mouth before going to sleep.
The next best part about Thanksgiving is Black Friday: the day we revert to our instincts as hunters and gatherers. Black Friday works perfectly with Thanksgiving in that after I've become bloated and slightly remorseful from my overindulgence, I can then burn off the excess calories by shopping. I've satiated myself at a physiological level, and now I want to satisfy myself on a material level. This year was the first year I went out alone, without my comrades in arms Jenna and Suzanne. This was also the first year that many stores opened at midnight rather than 4 or 5 in the morning. Battling Black Friday alone without sleep is one of the strangest, most discombobulating experiences of my life. It has left me feeling physically and mentally exhausted. My body is sore from constantly snatching, dodging, lifting, carrying and beelining around stores. I have been without sleep for so long that at one point on an escalator at Macy's, I had the semi-lucid thought, "I just might fall backwards down the escalator with this box of Pyrex containers." I seemed to have overexerted my brain by mentally computing too many discounts on prices, thus leading to my dizziness and growing paranoia. At one point I was looking for a pen in my purse, and a salesperson asked me if I needed any help. Immediately I thought, "She thinks I'm shoplifting!" so I began jingling my keys in my purse like it's one of those pneumatic drills. I'm jingling away as if to say, "See, I'm just a normal person looking for her keys! Perfectly normal!" As the salesperson walked away I felt triumphant in my poise under pressure. Then I felt slightly foolish. Towards the end of the night I started becoming delirious in the rush, thinking, "Yes, everybody needs a cheeseboard! This cropped military jacket makes me look stunning! I do need both seasons of White Collar!" When I regained a small sense of reason, it turned out that I was just getting hungry, my body was getting hot and cold flashes from the lack of sleep, and I didn't really want to buy two seasons of White Collar; I just wanted to buy Matt Bomer. Fighting a constant state of delirium and unsteadiness, I somehow made it through Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Macys, and a mall. I got the car home in one piece, amazing even myself. Now I sit here in my room, delighted at the prospect of going to sleep and eventually waking up to enjoy the four seasons of Psych I've just purchased. Of course, there is always Cyber Monday to look forward to.
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