Thursday, July 19, 2012

All Aboard! Train to Hermit Junction!

Music is a big part of my life, and my favorite band in the world is Train. Train is my life. Train gives me the strength to go on in this world when all hope is lost. They have put out quality music for decades, and everyone knows Train. If you don't know Train, you should go kill yourself. There is nothing better than sitting in a chair or something, listening to Train, and eating a Werther's Original.

They've released so much music over the years which is quite impressive in this fickle music industry. The industry is not kind to the artist. I mean, what happened to 5ive? Eagle Eye Cherry? Rico Suave? Train has managed to stand the test of time. I daresay they have a rather timeless quality about them, and this is why their songs are still relevant through the years. I only know two of their songs, but for the fact that they've been working consistently, I respect that. I'm sure I've listened to Train songs that I didn't even know were Train songs. That's because they're so timeless!

Train can do no wrong, especially with their monster hit "Drops of Jupiter." Indeed, that song still gets tons of airtime on the radio today. I don't really listen to it because it's not my favorite. I don't like it that much. I usually switch radio stations when it comes on, but if everything else is playing Adam Levine, then I will listen to "Drops of Jupiter." It's a classic. Apparently they even made a wine in honor of it. It's a Petite Syrah, which I presume goes nicely with Werther's Originals.

At the moment my favorite Train song is "Drive By". That song is my jam. When it comes on the radio, I put that shit on blast and pretend I am Ryan Gosling in Drive. I haven't seen Drive yet, but I assume he listens to "Drive By" while driving. I only ever listen to "Drive By" while in my car. I don't have an adapter for my iPod which is why I use the radio. I'm kind of a hipster. I get more of a vintage sound when I listen to the radio. I recommend listening to "Drive By" in a Toyota Prius. It really brings out the depths and complexities of the song and touches your soul. The other day I was listening to it and had an epiphany. "Is he talking about a one night stand?" I thought. I hadn't really listened to the lyrics before. Train's songs can be interpreted so many ways because they're so deeply cerebral. I still don't know what he's talking about, but I mimic the sounds Pat makes when I sing along.

Everyday, I scan through the radio stations looking for "Drive By" like I'm panning for gold. "Drive By" is the golden piece. I'll also accept Demi Lovato's "Give Your Heart A Break," but I won't be happy about it. This song touches me in so many ways that when it graces me on the radio, my life feels complete, and all is right in the world. No other song has filled me with such divine purpose, except maybe Ke$ha's "Take It Off." I would put "Drive By on my iPod", but I don't really see a point in adding an artist to my iTunes with only one song. It's just a pet peeve of mine. For now I will settle with enjoying Train as Train is meant to be enjoyed— in the car, in bi-weekly increments, sucking on a Werther's Original.

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